Shareable knowledge graph for the Financial World
$ Recordation of the financial transactions of any business
Basically, all the following competency questions will be addressed by the gist accounting ontology for you, and many more etc.
Taking a close look at the company's finances becomes insightful
Ascertainment of profit or loss during a period.
"A source or supply from which benefit is produced, typically a limited amount" (Wikipedia). The Resource category group all the concepts corresponding to what is sold. Often the resource to be sold is an asset which is defined by Wikipedia as any resource owned by a business.
Most of the time, the resource is a physical object. However, often, the resource to be sold is a physical device not yet built or a service. In that case, we define the resource by a set of requirements.
The GIST ontology already defines this concept for you as "a documented physical or functional need that a particular design, product, or process must be able to perform. Alternately, the obligation of a person or organization to behave in a certain way (i.e., drive on the right side of the road)".
The resource is sometimes also about the person or an organization who is temporary going to work for another company. A typical example is a consultant.
It defines the scope of possible actions to be performed with or on a certain Resource.
It defines the concept of physically possessing but not necessarily owning a Resource. This limit the scope of possible actions on the resource since it is not owned.
It defines the concept of owning a Resource but not necessarily physically possess it. Especially, it provides the ability to dispose of it.
It defines something happening in a point or a period.
It defines the concept of a person or an organization making an offer, basically proposing a resource or a future service in return for money.
It defines the concept of a person or an organization accepting an offer; then it becomes a purchase. This one can be preceded by a negociation occuring during a certain period.
It defines the change of possession or location without the change of ownership. It is usually a physical change of location.
It defines the change of ownership without the change of possession.
It defines a movement which does not affect any other accounting component. Typically the allocation of money on a balance sheet for tax optimization.
It defines a responsibility, an obligation. It could be expressed financially.
A purchase triggers an obligation to pay for the buyer. It becomes a liability to him
A purchase triggers an obligation to deliver for the seller. It becomes a liability to him